Wednesday, January 4, 2017

From Light Cavalry to Nobles

Through the second stage you improve your farm radius, which allows you to produce Nobles. This stage is going to give a guideline how and what to do until you make your first Noble. Occupying new villages will lead to the forth and last stage. It is going to help you how to manage a whole Empire of villages.

First things first, we go through the buildings and activities you should do.

The Stable - Level 3

Produce LC's all the time. The best units to farm and increase your income.

The Barracks - Level 5
Once you have units queued inside your stables, begin to queue your barracks. Never stop producing units, ever. You will need plenty of them to attack other players and make farms of them or to occupy them.

The Farm
This is the only structure that you should be queuing inside your level-10-Headquarters (HQ). The only time you want to upgrade this structure is when either your troop queue is full & you have no more farm space, or you have troop queues long enough to outlast the construction time of your farm. Take note: if you see the end of the space your farm provides at the current level, give it priority and upgrade it before you run out of space!

The Warehouse
Only build this structure as you need it. i.e. - If the next structure that you will queue is too large. Only have it the exact size that you need to queue your next structure use the market to hold extra resources if one of them gets oversized (e.g. give an offer with a 1:3 ratio).

The Market - Level 5
A market level 5 is good to have in case you need to balance your resources (e.g. too much wood in comparison with iron of what you should have 2,5 times more than wood to produce LC's), but its size depends on your haul ratio as well
. Anyway, try not to upgrade this past level 10 until you have nobles. Probably it should not exceed level 5 until you have Smithy level 15.

Resource Structures
Do not construct anything other than resources at this stage in the game. The only exception to this would be to upgrade your farm and warehouse accordingly which will be described below in greater detail.

Continue upgrading your resources until you can keep your HQ level 10 upgrading resources 24/7. This time you will probably need premium to list more than 2 buildings in your HQ. At this point of the game you will need less clay (for your army), so it would be a good composition of resource upgrades: 14-11-17.

Again, you necessary resource levels are highly determined by your farming activity and the resource ratio in your hauls. Here is a helpful table, in the format described above, detailing the increase in production to resource cost ratio. This does not mean build these resources, it is only to be used as a tool to help you decide which ones are the most cost effective. What resources you actually build should depend only on your resources coming in via your farms.

Building order:

This is when you should queue a resource structure:
-Your Farm Space is sufficient to last the build time of your resource structure
-Your warehouse space is sufficient
-You have troops queued in your Barracks 5 & Stables 3 (axes and LC's)

NOTE - it is a very good idea to not go past this point until you can sustain a stables & barracks queue while you are offline or sleeping, working etc. i.e - Your stables & barracks queue must be longer than the longest period that you will be offline for.

The Smithy - Level 10
Upgrading this structure past level 5 once you can sustain LC, Axe queues non-stop & your resources are high enough such that your HQ queue is non-stop. Once you start upgrading this building, you should only build two structures along side the smithy:
-The Farm
-The Warehouse
Do not queue anything else in your HQ beside those 3 structures. Again, this is all meanwhile having constant stables & barracks queue.

The Workshop - Level 2

Once your Smithy has reached level 10, construct your workshop to level 2. Tech rams and start your ram production. Build them constantly until you can produce catapults. This should be about 25-50 rams or so. It must be enough to start off with and will be good until you start to encounter players that have not yet stopped playing, in which case you will not be clearing anyway until you have all of the other villages inside your 20x20 on farm. Once you have catapults, you will then need to resume your ram production at that point.

The Smithy - Level 12
You will need a few cats to submit a few players around you into quitting the game or restarting elsewhere then this is the time to get a few cats into the farm space. Tech Catapults and make around 20-50, or a 75-100 if you feel you will need more deterrence to force your neighbors to abandon their villages or stop logging on. You can check their activity here:link.

Head Quarters - Level 23
By now you should have enough LC's and Axes farming such that you will be able to upgrade your HQ continually. Remember, only upgrade this structure when you begin to experience periods when you have both your Stables 3 and Barracks 5 queued 24/7 without running out of farm space and you have sufficient warehouse space as well. That way you can continue to upgrade your resources more quickly. If you start experiencing periods where your HQ queue becomes empty because you do no
t have the resources to keep your stables & barracks queued, then it is because you upgraded this structure too far, and should have upgraded a resource structure instead. Continue with this strategy until you have AT LEAST HQ23. The higher it gets, the more time you will save and the faster you will build nobles. However, the higher you go, the most costly it will become. So how high you need to raise this structure will depend greatly on how active in farming you are. Kamalot, who wrote this guide typically raises it to about 23-25. 26 to 25 only saves an extra 5-10 hours or so. Just remember, it is important to keep the queue going 24/7 or the time you save in production turns into extra time spent on production.

If you want to get deeper and learn more about the construction time, click here.

The Stable - Level 10
Since the stables is your main farming tool, you need to upgrade this structure to 10 as soon as possible. Of course, only you are done with the steps above.

The Barracks - Level 10
Now you will need to plan ahead for when you start to clear villages. Upgrade your Barracks to level 10 to increase your Axe:LC ratio. Axes are cheaper, if you want to use your army to knock up your neighbors' door (instead of farming), you will need much more axe than LC.

The Market - Level 10
This structure is cheap and quick to build. The real optimal level of the market will depend on the resource ratios you are collecting from farming. You can sometimes get away with upgrading this post-barracks and post-stables. On the other hand, you might need market to reallocate resources when you upgrade your smithy or wall.

The Stable - Level 15
This is your pre-noble Stable goal. Get this structure to 15. The bigger army you need, the higher levels of stable (and barracks) are necessary.

The Barracks - Level 20
Once you have completed your stables pre-noble quality, you will want to upgrade your barracks to at least level 20, Level 23 is even better and more ideal but this will depend on your activeness, whether you can afford it or not. Maximizing your production capabilities is important because once you're producing nobles you will have wasted some units killing off a player while you noble (attack with noble) him or her, thus you will need to be capable of quickly re-producing your units for your next target.

The Warehouse - Level 24/25
Since your production is so good you will need at least a Farm 29 or a Farm 30 Pre-Academy, depending on how quick you were at this build order. Farm 29 requires Warehouse 24, and the Farm 30 requires the Warehouse 25. Get them up respectively before proceeding. There is no benefit from Smithy 13-20 Pre-Noble so you should get your warehouse up first.

The Farm - Level 29/30
As stated just before here, you will need Farm 29-30 pre-noble with this build order to house your units. Build this before proceeding to finish your smithy. If you are on a so-called "teching world", you may want to juggle your smithy in here but it is not really possible because of the unit production levels and queue lengths.

The Smithy - Level 20
Now that you have your stables 15 and barracks 20-23, now it is time to make the push to your Smithy 20. Remember, you must still continue your 24/7 queue's of your stables and barracks.

The Academy 
Finally, we arrived to the building, in which you are going to produce noblemen to conquer new villages. Once you achieved Smithy Level 20, construct your academy and start your noble production and find a nice big juicy player target. If you followed this strategy closely you will be able to noble anyone of your choosing. At this stage in the game you should have around 200 farms. I suggest to occupy a player, who is not your farm, but it really depends on you. 

The Wall 20
Once you are nobling villages you will need to upgrade your wall, because you are going to draw others' attention. This guide is about complete map dominance in your 20x20. Following it will cause you to both out-grow and starve your enemies and clearing the ones that will not become noble targets. Walls are a defensive structure and since this guide is about all Offense & map control, they are not needed. Walls are used to boost your defensive capabilities and you do not need walls until you need to defend -since you have no defense, your tribe is going to protect you. With that said I will also point out that you only need to defend against nobles. When such is the case, again as a consequence of following this guide, you will be the largest player inside your 20x20 and most of the time your 45x45. As you can see here, you will not be needing to fear anyone in your area. You will be the first one in your 45x45 with a complete noble train*. And you will also be nobling the largest village in your 45x45 which in turn should be offensive. As stated below in the village ratios and noble targets, you should be running about 3 offensive villages before making a defensive one. If you are really new then you should go to a 2:1 ratio, but I assure you, a 3:1 ratio is quite safe if you have a strong enough lead on your opponents. 

Wood/Clay/Iron - Level 30
Now is the time to start spending money on upgrading your resources each to level 30. It is important not let any form of unit production or structure upgrade to be slowed down by the production of packets or coins to produce nobles. It will greatly benefit you to only produce packets & coins second to increa your forms of income: troop production & resource structures. The faster you max out your resource structures, the faster you will achieve maximum coin and packet production from your village.

Coins & Packet Production
Again, as stated above, coin and packet production comes last. You need one more of them to produce a nobleman and occupy a new village - e.g. if you have 10 villages, you will need 11 coins to produce the next nobleman.

Smithy Research
This section is strictly in regards to the 10-level tech system. Here you will see the minimum number of troops required to make upgrading the research on your units more cost-beneficial than queuing another unit. Obviously as your queues become longer and longer, you will be upgrading your tech levels much sooner than the thresholds stated below, however it is good to note that they do exist. Upgrading your research is prioritized before upgrading structures, and after adding troops to the queue. Following the above build order should yield Axe 10, LC 10, Rams 8 or 9 Pre-Noble where you will have about 5000 axes and 3000 LC's and 220-240 rams.

0001 < Level 01 = 0225
0225 < Level 02 = 0367
0367 < Level 03 = 0617
0617 < Level 04 = 1028
1028 < Level 05 = 1715
1715 < Level 06 = 2859
2859 < Level 07 = 3069
3069 < Level 08 = 8081
8081 < Level 09 = 8662
8662 < Level 10

0001 < Level 01 = 0095
0095 < Level 02 = 0157
0157 < Level 03 = 0222
0222 < Level 04 = 0371
0371 < Level 05 = 0620
0620 < Level 06 = 1038
1038 < Level 07 = 1502
1502 < Level 08 = 2524
2524 < Level 09 = 3721
3721 < Level 10

From Pre-Noble to Post-Noble

Anything prior to this section of this guide, I believe Karmalot's strategy is the best way to play the game. By the end of this stage you will have had nobles. In the next and the last stage you are going to learn how to manage your Empire of Villages.

Karmalot, 2008. Tribal Wars Forum. [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 04 01 2017].

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