Friday, January 6, 2017

Your Empire of Villages - concept

By the end of the previous stage you trained your first nobles. The last stage provide information, which - I hope - will help you to manage the mass of your villages.

Ideally, you want all of your villages to have the same amount of points, which includes defensive villages, offensive villages etc. Having similar building structures will help you achieve this and will also allow you to easily change an offensive village to a defensive one if needed in the future.

Obviously, your various types of villages will require different structure levels to be efficient. So you will have to tweak the structure levels slightly based on what type of village it is. The less points in your villages the better. This is to leave the most farm space possible per village for troops. The more troops you have in your offensive village, the more damage you will deal and the less losses you will take when attacking. People usually say "a few hundreds extra troops do not matter", but when you have hundreds of villages, it does count. Another important factor to remember here is production time. The higher your barracks/stables/workshop in these villages, the faster you can produce full nukes, and the faster you will be able to clear players around you, expanding your map control. So for this purpose, all of the villages discussed here will achieve a total of 9714 points (of course, it is differs from words where churches are available, . 

Your first village should be an offensive village with minimal defensive troops in it. How many really depends on how active you are and what quality of players are around you. Ideally you want no more defense than you build pre-LC`s. Actually you can disarm your spears if you control your 15x15 area.

All of your villages should be offensive until you need to produce defensive units to defend against a neighbor that is producing nobles. If you noble quickly enough and produce enough offensive troops, controlling your area, you will be able to eliminate those players by taking their village before they become a threat to you. This is why you should really only be nobling villages that have academies. Another factor in how many offensive villages you should build prior to building defensive ones is the remaining quality of your first village`s nuke.

These offensive villages should all be outside of your current farming area. This way the units you produce to farm (LC`s and axes) will not be farming the same farms that you are currently farming. A good way to search for a direction to noble is to scout various villages in different directions and see where most often the warehouses are fullest. That is where you should noble because less people are farming there. If you do it well, you will double your farming area as well. Now you can see, the activity is the key point of the game. Now you will able to farm two times more.

You can really get away with making 4 or 5 offensive villages before dedicating a defensive one. But again, this depends on how active you are. You also need to put in calculation you tribe mates' and enemies' location. If you end up nobling a village for some reason inside your farming radius, might as well make that one your first defensive village.

First things first, you will need to choose your target that you want to occupy.

Karmalot, 2008. Tribal Wars Forum. [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 04 01 2017].

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