The first stage is about to construct buildings to build spears, then to build axes. You will be able to attack other villages and get extra resources, which is the base of Light Cavalries (stage 2). Before you we go on, please make sure you have already read understood the Game concept.
Basically you begin the game by upgrading your resources and and farming with your paladin to the closest farm to your village, Barbarian or Bonus villages. IMPORTANT: In the new paladin system, you can upgrade your paladin by constructing building. Since you receive wood, clay and iron as gift when you achieve the 3rd, 5th, 10th, 15th etc lvl i suggest the following: leave your paladin in your village when you are constructing buildings (to get experience and upgrade your paladin) and farm with it when you are only building units, such as spears.
Beside each resource you will find 2 numbers. The first will represent the cost of that resources resource per that resources increase in production per hour. That is: how many hours it will take for the resource upgraded to pay for the cost of that resources upgraded resource. For example, Timber Camp 0 produces 5 wood per hour. Timber Camp 1 produces 30. That is an increase of 25 wood per hour. The upgrade costs 50 wood, so it will take 2 hours to pay for the cost of that upgrade. The second number will take into account the total number of resources spent on that resource, assuming each resource has a 1:1 ratio in value. For example, Timber Camp 1 has a total cost of (50 wood + 60 clay + 40 iron) = 150. 150 / 25 = 6. So Timber Camp 1 will be displayed as such: "02.00 06.00 Wood 1". Kamalot did an excellent job, but take note: the speed of the words are different, that is in some words the resources produce more per hour, anyway, it is a great guideline how to construct them. We also assume that the value of the resources are the same, but in the beginning of the game, wood is much more valuable than clay and clay is more valuable than iron. In the second, third week, when players start to produce LCs, iron is going to be more valuable and more rare on the market. This is why you are advised to construct a lvl 1-2 market to ballance your resources.
Building order:
02.00 06.00 Wood 1
02.00 06.20 Clay 1
02.80 08.40 Iron 1
12.60 38.00 Wood 2
12.60 39.20 Clay 2
13.00 39.67 Wood 3
this stage in the game, depending on what haul ratio you are producing you will
need to adjust your resources accordingly. The general idea here is to decide
which resource you are shortest on for the next upgrade. However, keep in mind
that you will be producing spears so that you will want your wood to be about 2
levels above your clay, and your clay to be about 2 levels above your iron, as
such, you may want to continue accordingly:
HQ 3, Barracks 1
Upgrade your HQ to level 3 and construct your barracks (take note: we do not need wall, before BP it is completely useless, after it you will have the army to attack other players around you before they would attack you). You will need to send at least 4 spears with your paladin to justify sending your paladin, based on the increased travel time from sending it with spears and the haul it will yield. If you have less than 4 spears, just send your paladin by itself. Important: if you want to spend your spears without any other troops (paladin), you must use Rally point's simulator to calculate the number of troops you need to spend to avoid any death. In this early stage of the game a loss of one spear cost 90 resources, which is critical! (If quests are available on your server, you will receive some swordsmen, I advise you to send them with your spears. Again: use simulator!)
The more active you are and the more farms you have, barbarian and bonus villages, then the more spears you should make. Do not spend your troops to the same 3-4 villages around you. Send them to the 15x15 or 20x20 area around you. Of course, the size of the map you can cover depends on the size of your army.
Remember, once the BP is lifted, you will need to empty all of the warehouses of the inactive villages in your area as fast as possible; this will determine how many spears you will need to make. The inactive villages are typically the villages that have not grown since they have been created. [To find the inactive and farmable villages do the following: check the starting points (usually 26), add 16 points (the value of a level 1 barracks). Player bellow this point (here:42) will not be able to protect themselves.] The faster you can empty these warehouses, the more LC's you will be able to produce and the faster you'll be able to produce them in the post-BP period.
A warehouse level 1 will hold 3000 total resources. That means, 120 spears will empty that warehouse in one shot. However, 120 spears will cost 10800 resources. So you will need to send those spears to that village about 3 times to pay for their production. But since each resource is not really equal pre-market. Wood is the most valuable at this stage, so let us take a look at the wood levels. A spear costs 50 wood, and carries 25 haul. Since the warehouse is full, the wood/clay/iron haul per spear will b e divided equally between each resource. So 1 spear will only carry 8 1/3 wood. That means, each spear must travel 6 times to pay for their cost in wood. Since it requires 120 spears to empty the warehouse and you need to travel 6 times to make money, then you should have at least 20 spears per inactive village warehouse that you expect to empty post-BP. So if there are 5 inactive villages inside your 9x9, and you're the most active farmer, then you should build at least 100 spears pre-BP.
Once you figure out how many spears you need, you will need to make sure you build them prior to getting axes. You just need to make sure that you get axes prior to BP ending and you can build enough of them to escort your spears in the process. Farm with your spears in groups of 35 each and send the remainder with your paladin.
Move on and start to build resource base to Axes
Farm and continue producing spears constantly (as many stated above) and if you save up enough resources, try to perform the following resource upgrades:
Building order:
15.25 47.13 Wood 5
16.83 51.67 Clay 4
17.40 52.80 Iron 2
18.00 54.89 Wood 6
19.10 59.80 Wood 7
HQ 5, Barracks 1, Smithy 2
Once you have began emptying or have emptied all of the warehouses in the barbarian villages in your area you can begin by teching axes. Remember, your goal is to be past this stage prior to BP ending. You may want to produce less spears or lower resources accordingly to ensure you have axes prior to BP ending and this will depend on how active you are.
Produce 5 axes per farm and send them with your 5-25 spears or so to increase the number of villages you can hit. Start with 5 axes and 25 spears, if the warehouse is full. As the warehouse becomes empty and as you produce more axes then you will need to lower the number of spears you are sending to allow yourself to farm more villages with your spear pool. Stop producing axes once you have enough to escort your spears.
Take notes of the villages in your area and be sure that once the inactive players become farmable when their BP is lifted that you have the units available to send to that village immediately. These will be 100% hauls so you must time this accordingly.
These resources collected by this method will be used to saveup for Light Cavalry.
Karmalot, 2008. Tribal Wars Forum. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 04 01 2017].
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