Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Resource Balancer Script

Might one of the most useful script is this one. I helps you to reallocate your resources equally among a group of your villages, or among all of your villages. It also enable you to only balance one resource.
The script gain uses information with the help of algorithms, such as the resources, warehouse capacity and available merchants in your villages. It figures out what villages need to send resources where, and spits out a page detailing this and links to help you get there. It also calculate how many fields your merchant transports will travel on average, so you will need the approximate time of the reallocation.
Script's code:
javascript:function MarketMain(){var a=document;if(window.frames.length>0)a=window.main.document;var b=a.createElement('script');b.type='text/javascript';b.src='';a.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(b)}function getGameDoc(winvar){getdoc=winvar.document;if(!getdoc.URL.match('game\.php')){for(var i=0;i<winvar.frames.length;i++){if(winvar.frames[i].document.URL.match('game\.php')){getdoc=winvar.frames[i].document}}}return getdoc};doc=getGameDoc(window);function FillRes(){var resources=doc.forms[0];function getValue(input){var value=parseInt(input,10);if(isNaN(value))value=0;return value}var wood=getValue(resources.wood.value);var clay=getValue(resources.stone.value);var iron=getValue(resources.iron.value);function OKClick(){var arrInputs=resources.getElementsByTagName('input');for(var idx1=0;idx1<arrInputs.length;idx1++){if(arrInputs[idx1].value.indexOf('OK')!=-1){arrInputs[idx1].click();break}}}function insertValues(){var URLargs=doc.URL.split("&");for(var i=0;i<URLargs.length;i++){var args=URLargs[i].split("=");if(args.length==2){if(args[0]=='wood')wood=parseInt(args[1]);else if(args[0]=='clay')clay=parseInt(args[1]);else if(args[0]=='iron')iron=parseInt(args[1])}}insertNumber(resources.wood,wood);insertNumber(resources.stone,clay);insertNumber(resources.iron,iron)}if(wood+clay+iron>0){OKClick()}else{insertValues()}}if(doc.URL.match(/clay=/)||doc.URL.match(/confirm_send/)){FillRes()}else{MarketMain()}
How to use:
Embedded in the links are the resources that need to be sent. Clicking each link takes you to the relevant market page with the target input.

1. Click the script to enter in the resources embedded in the url
2. Click the script again to automatically press the "ok" button
3. On the confirm page, click the script again to send off your resources.

Take note! To use the script, you need to allow popups from Tribal Wars. (since TW does not use popups, you will not get any from it, only from your script when you use).

ronpaul2008, 2009. Tribal Wars Forum. [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 18 01 2017].

Monday, January 16, 2017


Many of you have indicated the need of such a guide, so I decided to create a -hopefully- good and precise one. I think running through frequently asked question would be a good start before we check the details.

What is a script?
Scripts are codes, which generally help you playing the Tribal Wars. They are written by programmers, as far as  I know with Javascript. Fortunately we do not need to be experts in coding and programming. We will not create our own scripts, just use others'.

How do I use them?
As far as I know, you can use scripts with any browser, but I tested them on Google Chrome, and you will need Java as well.
Basically, there are two main types of scripts. Some of them can be used without paying for it, but there are complex ones, which required premium account (PA).
Without Premium: Not all scripts will work without PA, e.g. the mass-recruit script, which uses a page which non-premium users do not have. We will check how scripts work later.

With Premium: Open up your quick bar (settings > edit quick bar). Click on "Add new link" and give it a sensible name. Then copy the script into the "Target-URL" box, and hit OK.

Why do I need them?
Scripts are created to help you. It will make easier your tasks and make it a daily routine. Things which would usually take hours can be completed in minutes, with the click of a button. You are not forced to use them if you feel like it ruins the game, but it is highly recommended.

The scripting rules
The rules are available from the help pages. It may differ from country to country, so check it yourself. International TW rule about scripts (§7) is available here. If there were not rules with scripting, people would be able to run an account without actually touching it. Accounts could look after themselves, eliminating all skill involved. People could manage totally amazing timing, noble trains in 3 ms, and then splitting these trains! Which would not be a good thing. You find all the approved scripts here, but I have also gathered the most useful ones.

Resource Balancer

Mass Village Renamer
Attack Timing / Labelling
Farm Assistant Key Binding

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Defense guide

Defense guide, aka Kamalot's 11 rule to defend yourself from mass incoming attacks. Follow the rule when you have mass incoming & mass noble trains. Follow these rules, starting with rule #1 to prioritize yourself to decide what to do when you are under attack. The first rule is more important than the 2nd one, and the 2nd more than the 3rd and so on.

Rule #1 - Incoming Ram Speed or Scout Speed
Never let them scout you. Attacks at scout speed, you need to stack with as many scouts as possible while still being able to defend all of the villages.
Attacks at greater than scout speed and less than noble speed, you need to defend with as many scouts as you can afford to let die, and a few swords, 100 or so.
If you do not have many troops "based" in that village (that were built there), or if the village is relatively new, it is okay to let them scout you in this situation. It will be obvious that you will not have many troops from there so letting them scout it will not reveal any "new" information.
All of the other rules are for noble speed attacks only.

Rule #2 - Incoming Nobles: Villages that house 1 or more Nobles
If you have an incoming on a village that houses nobles, you must defend that village at all cost. Especially if you use trains. When you have a large number of villages, 4 nobles will cost you more resources than losing a couple of defensive villages defending it, defending it with 4 defensive villages. Because of this rule, this is why it is ever so more important to house nobles in as few villages as possible, while still maximizing offensive power in your trains. 2-4 nobles is ideal to have been built for each of these types of villages.

Rule #3 - Incoming Nobles: Villages that house Churches
Well, this rule only really applies if there is another village in the church radius that is under attack.

Rule #4 - Incoming Nobles: Try to Snipe
If the incoming noble train is snipe-able, then you must first try this. You can either set up a "support train" from a nearby defensive village and send support at the village, like you would a noble train, only split up your defensive units into 5 or 7 groups. Send them all at ram speed, cancel the ones that miss, then send them all at Heavy Cavalry (HC) speed, then scout speed, then sword, then spear. Note - This is good only if the incoming noble train is from the same village. If it is multiple villages it is likely that it is multiple nukes. Do not trust a sitter with this. If you are unable to be online to perform this action, move on with these rules and do not trust someone to do it as a sitter. You can try, but do not count on it working at all. Plan ahead instead.

Rule #5 - Incoming Nobles: The Pre and Re Noble
If your village has inc nobles and several nukes proceeding it AND that village has only like half a nuke in it or a couple thousand defensive troops, or if those nobles are from different villages then it is likely they are several nukes with the nobles so it will be better to not defend it and you will not be able to snipe. Instead, you should dump the nuke you have on a village before the noble lands, or try to let those defensive troops die somewhere else, or try to snipe anyway with those defensive troops. Once you have done this, then you need to land 3 nobles before the noble train lands, preferably 4 at the right time such that the loyalty is below 20 before the attacking players 4 nobles land. If you do this, you should destroy 4 nobles 1 or more nukes at the cost of half a nuke + 1 noble, or half a defensive village + 1 noble, or whatever you have stationed in that village.

Rule #6 - Incoming Nobles: Already Supported Villages
If the village already has support, it is likely that the player who sent them has already counted on losing these troops. You should defend these villages first. Look around and see if you will be able to stack enough troops to defend these. A good rule of thumb is to defend the villages with at least 4 full defensive villages. If you do not have enough support OR the smithy levels of spear/sword/archer/hc are too low, ie - less than 9 or 10. Then you will need to contact the owner of the support and ask if he can recall the troops(at different speeds for his own benefit) and re-send some more support to another village(which you will determine farther down this list), if it can be done in time. If you can not juggle the support around to a different village then you should either send the support home and try to snipe with whatever defensive troops you have built there and hope for the best or send the troops home and try to snipe and hope for the best.

Rule #7 - Incoming Nobles: Smithy Levels: Spear/Sword/Archer/HC = Max Level, Wall = 20
These villages are the more profitable to support and defend. Ideally it is best if these villages do not have nukes proceeding the noble train. Stack these villages with 4 defensive villages. If you play on a server where there is no tech system, just skip this rule.

Rule #8 - Incoming Nobles: Villages housing full Defensive troops
If you are unable to use these defensive troops to snipe other noble trains that are incoming to them, use it to snipe the noble train coming to this one. If not, then you must try to stack this village. Once again, it is worth 4 full defensive villages. If you are unable, either send this support somewhere where it can die before the noble train lands, or leave it home and hope for the best.

Rule #9 - Incoming Nobles: Villages housing full nukes
Stack these villages if possible. If you are unable to stack this then use this nuke where you can before the noble train lands.

Rule #10 - Incoming Nobles: Villages with incoming nobles that have the nobles land well after other villages that have incoming nobles.
These villages you must defend last. Sometimes you will be able to defend 2 or more villages with the same defensive troops simply by juggling the support arround to different villages.

Rule #11 - Incoming Nobles: Too bad, you lose this one.
Build as many D troops as possible in that village, utilizing the barracks, stables, and workshop and try to snipe or hope for the best. There is nothing else that can be done here.

Karmalot, 2008. Tribal Wars Forum. [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 04 01 2017].

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Most of the players occupy barbaric or bonus villages. This is the worst way to spend your nobles. If you do so, you just slow down your progress by a new, small village. Basically, you would need to do the whole guide on the new village. Fortunately, Kamalot has an amazing prioritize-scheme. He ordered numbers to the buildings:

This is how you should prioritize your noble targets:
-Average level of resources [(sum of the resource structures' levels)/3]
-Count academy as 30
-Level of smithy*3/2
-(Level of barracks + stable)*3/4;

Whichever is higher out of the four, you should noble that target first. As I have already mentioned in this guide: you should noble these villages at or near the edge of your farming area from your main village.

Your first noble target should be at least 10 tiles away from your main. The farther outside of your farming radius the better. Nobling inside your farming radius does not increase your income. That is why it is important to noble far away from your main so that you can effectively double (or almost double) your farming radius. The same should be for your 3rd and maybe your 4th village.

After that simply just noble the most threatening players within 10-20 tiles of any of your villages. If there are more than 2 villages within 10 times of yours that are a threat, you should be cat(apul)ting down their smithy so you can keep expanding elsewhere, unless they are the best target in the nearest 20.

Continue with that strategy until you have a large area, and simply cat down players within your region that you do not want to be growing or you do not want to noble yet. Only when you control a massive area, something like 20% of the entire that is covered by your villages should you be starting to fill in the gaps.

A good way to decide which direction you want to expand first would be to send out a few scouts. Look for villages that are clearly farmable by your standards, and if the warehouses are full it means you hit the jackpot. The players in that area are not farming, so when you noble in that area you will have free reign of the resources there.

If the village is being farmed, and you are left with no alternative direction to noble then you should figure out which player in that area is doing the most farming and noble him instead (to find the player use: Ranking->In a day->Resources plundered).

You need to decide on the type of every new village. If you need help, click here.

Karmalot, 2008. Tribal Wars Forum. [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 04 01 2017].

Monday, January 9, 2017


I find a picture on the Hungarian tribal wars' help-page. I found it quite useful - especially for new players - to see the requirements of all buildings on one picture, so I decided to translate it. Do not mix it up with the Tech system, of what you can read more here.

Construction time

Assuming the world speed is x1,, and ignoring the farm upgrades, warehouse upgrades or any resource upgrading, here are some numbers to consider:

Starting at a village with:
HQ10, Barracks 5, Stables 3, Smithy 10, Market 5
Upgrading your HQ first to the levels listed below, followed by Barracks 20, Stables 15, Workshop 2, Smithy 20 + Academy + Market 10 to represent a post-noble stage:
HQ20 = 325.58 Hours
HQ21 = 314.57 Hours ~ 11.01 Total Hours Saved ~ +11.01 Extra Hours Saved
HQ22 = 304.78 Hours ~ 20.80 Total Hours Saved ~ +9.79 Extra Hours Saved
HQ23 = 296.24 Hours ~ 29.34 Total Hours Saved ~ +8.54 Extra Hours Saved
HQ24 = 289.01 Hours ~ 36.57 Total Hours Saved ~ +7.23 Extra Hours Saved
HQ25 = 283.15 Hours ~ 42.43 Total Hours Saved ~ +5.86 Extra Hours Saved
HQ26 = 278.74 Hours ~ 46.84 Total Hours Saved ~ +4.41 Extra Hours Saved
HQ27 = 275.88 Hours ~ 49.70 Total Hours Saved ~ +2.86 Extra Hours Saved
HQ28 = 274.69 Hours ~ 50.89 Total Hours Saved ~ +1.19 Extra Hours Saved
HQ29 = 275.31 Hours ~ 50.27 Total Hours Saved ~ -0.62 = Wasted Time

Now, let's assume that you have a farm level 25 by the time you your HQ finished, so you will raise your farm 25-29 to be conservative. As well as your warehouse, let's assume 18(required for HQ25) as a starting point, and you will need to raise it to level 24 to afford a farm 29. So farm 25 -> 29 and warehouse 18 -> 24. Note, I'm ignoring other buildings because they are not required to build nobles.
HQ20 = 418.14 Hours
HQ21 = 402.73 Hours ~ 15.41 Total Hours Saved ~ +15.41 Extra Hours Saved
HQ22 = 388.74 Hours ~ 29.40 Total Hours Saved ~ +13.99 Extra Hours Saved
HQ23 = 376.20 Hours ~ 41.94 Total Hours Saved ~ +12.54 Extra Hours Saved
HQ24 = 365.16 Hours ~ 52.98 Total Hours Saved ~ +11.04 Extra Hours Saved
HQ25 = 355.67 Hours ~ 62.47 Total Hours Saved ~ +9.49 Extra Hours Saved
HQ26 = 347.81 Hours ~ 70.33 Total Hours Saved ~ +7.86 Extra Hours Saved
HQ27 = 341.66 Hours ~ 76.48 Total Hours Saved ~ +6.15 Extra Hours Saved
HQ28 = 337.34 Hours ~ 80.80 Total Hours Saved ~ +4.32 Extra Hours Saved
HQ29 = 334.98 Hours ~ 83.16 Total Hours Saved ~ +2.36 Extra Hours Saved
HQ30 = 334.73 Hours ~ 83.41 Total Hours Saved ~ +0.25 Extra Hours Saved

Your nobles will be available faster but it will be more time consuming and demanding with your day to day farming. How high your raise your HQ during this stage is strictly dependent upon how much money you have available. The bottom line is, it is faster, but it is more costly in terms of resources: but if the resources are aplenty then all that matters is that it is faster to get to nobles in terms of time. If you are unable to keep your HQ upgrades queue'd 24/7, while queuing the stables/barracks of course, then you should upgrade resources to keep the queue going. Again, upgrade your farm & warehouse only as needed during this stage. Remember it is vital not to upgrade your stables and barracks or smithy prior to your HQ at this stage.

Some people have tried to argue that raising your barracks and stables prior to your HQ is better for troop production. Well, I assure you that it is not.

First, let's ignore the farm and warehouse upgrades required to achieve nobles. Because it is clear that raising the barracks/stables prior to your HQ would increase the time to nobles simply because your troop production will be higher during your pre-HQ20+ stage which means that you will need to raise your farm and warehouses to a higher level during your pre-HQ20+ stage. This will make you save less time from upgrading your HQ because you will not take advantage of the farm/warehouse decreased build time because you're not upgrading your HQ, you're upgrading your stables/barracks.

Secondly, we can ignore the resource upgrades, wall upgrades, because they are not required to produce nobles. We'll also ignore workshop upgrading, because it is independent of nobles also. And finally, we can ignore the market and smithy upgrades because they'll be done post-barracks/stables upgrades anyway.

So we will assume that the only build times to be considered are the barracks, stables and HQ.
Starting with HQ10, and ending with HQ23 in a straight run:
HQ10 -> HQ23 = 31.09 Hours
Barracks 5 -> Barracks 20 @ HQ23 = +29.18 Hours
Stables 3 -> Stables 15 @ HQ23 = +37.11 Hours
Totalling: 97.38 Hours

Now lets say you go stables 10, before upgrading HQ to 23.
Stables 3 -> Stables 10 @ HQ10 = 22.84 Hours
HQ10 -> HQ23 = 31.09 Hours
Barracks 5 -> Barracks 20 @ HQ23 = +29.18 Hours
Stables 10 -> Stables 15 @ HQ23 = +25.00 Hours
Totaling: 108.11 Hours
That is a 10.73 hour difference.

That means that if you go HQ last or during, and only bring your stables up to 10 from 3, excluding the extra farm and warehouse space you'd need as well as excluding any barracks upgrading, which would lead to more farm space required pre-HQ23, making it take a longer time. Which means, for 10.73 hours you are producing LC's at stables level 15 as opposed to stables (at most) level 10. I don't have to quote production times to show that stables 15 will produce more LC's than stables 10 for that period of time.

Again, this is only true if you can afford 24/7 production. The time you save on build times of your stables or barracks independently will yield more troops than if you were to upgrade them first. This is because you will be producing units at barracks 23 + stables 15 for about an extra 20 hours instead of 20 hours at Barracks 5, Stables 3 or any level between the two groups. Producing troops at a higher level of production for the barracks and stables simply yields more troops pre-noble in the same time period. Anyone who does not upgrade their HQ in this manner and opposes an opponent that does will lose every time.

Karmalot, 2008. Tribal Wars Forum. [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 04 01 2017].

Saturday, January 7, 2017


As usual, this game provides "extra services" as well, for what you need to pay with premium points. You can activate them for between the range of 3 and 30 days. These services make your game much easier. Unfortunately, the difficulty of the game is growing with the age of the server. Managing your villages becomes more and more time-consuming with time. I am going to detail the three major types of these services, which highly contributes to your success (of course, you can play without it if you expend time on the game.

Standard premium account
This is a basic premium facility, and is created to help improve your game play. Activating the premium account will turn on several number of new features and interface improvements. The most useful ones:
  • Increased building queue
  • Larger map size (up to 30x30), which is useful if you follow our guide
  • More detailed village overview
  • You can mark tribes, other players and their villages on the map with unique colour
  • A  quick bar, that also allows you to quickly run scripts
  • Adds a number of overviews, allowing you to quickly view and manage all your villages
  • Easier switch between your villages
  • More information shown on the map (troop speed, your last attack's details etc.)
  • Allows to mark your incoming attacks
  • Coat of Arms (unique profile picture)

Account manager
It is a sort of "secondary premium account", which is really useful to players with hundreds of villages (read more here). It helps you to production in your villages (both construction and recruiting). Unfortunately, the account manager requires a standard premium account to be activated. Take note: it is not available on all servers.
The account manager currently includes these features:
  • Village manager: Allows you to enter fixed building levels that your village will automatically queue and upgrade to
  • Automatic trade routes between villages, allowing you to keep your resources balanced
  • Automatic recruitment of units
  • Customized attack notifications

Farm assistant
You can add farm assistant to your standard premium account, but it is not a requirement to activate it. The assistant enables you to manage your plundering and looting of barbarian villages to gather resources. It is also included in the Account manager package, so you do not need to activate both of them. I highly recommend this service to activate if you follow our guide.
The farm assistant includes the following features:
  • Quickly send attacks to barbarian villages directly from the map screen
  • Allows you to create your own templates to choose which troops to send in your farming raids
  • Calculate and send the correct number of troops to haul all of a village's resources, based on the last scout attack for that village

Production boost
I recommend to activate it if you are quite busy and cannot farm that much. It is quite simple: speed your production with 20% if you cannot spend too much time farming or your neighbors overfarm you.

InnoGames, 2013. TribalWars help. [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 16 01 2017].

Friday, January 6, 2017

Your Empire of Villages - concept

By the end of the previous stage you trained your first nobles. The last stage provide information, which - I hope - will help you to manage the mass of your villages.

Ideally, you want all of your villages to have the same amount of points, which includes defensive villages, offensive villages etc. Having similar building structures will help you achieve this and will also allow you to easily change an offensive village to a defensive one if needed in the future.

Obviously, your various types of villages will require different structure levels to be efficient. So you will have to tweak the structure levels slightly based on what type of village it is. The less points in your villages the better. This is to leave the most farm space possible per village for troops. The more troops you have in your offensive village, the more damage you will deal and the less losses you will take when attacking. People usually say "a few hundreds extra troops do not matter", but when you have hundreds of villages, it does count. Another important factor to remember here is production time. The higher your barracks/stables/workshop in these villages, the faster you can produce full nukes, and the faster you will be able to clear players around you, expanding your map control. So for this purpose, all of the villages discussed here will achieve a total of 9714 points (of course, it is differs from words where churches are available, . 

Your first village should be an offensive village with minimal defensive troops in it. How many really depends on how active you are and what quality of players are around you. Ideally you want no more defense than you build pre-LC`s. Actually you can disarm your spears if you control your 15x15 area.

All of your villages should be offensive until you need to produce defensive units to defend against a neighbor that is producing nobles. If you noble quickly enough and produce enough offensive troops, controlling your area, you will be able to eliminate those players by taking their village before they become a threat to you. This is why you should really only be nobling villages that have academies. Another factor in how many offensive villages you should build prior to building defensive ones is the remaining quality of your first village`s nuke.

These offensive villages should all be outside of your current farming area. This way the units you produce to farm (LC`s and axes) will not be farming the same farms that you are currently farming. A good way to search for a direction to noble is to scout various villages in different directions and see where most often the warehouses are fullest. That is where you should noble because less people are farming there. If you do it well, you will double your farming area as well. Now you can see, the activity is the key point of the game. Now you will able to farm two times more.

You can really get away with making 4 or 5 offensive villages before dedicating a defensive one. But again, this depends on how active you are. You also need to put in calculation you tribe mates' and enemies' location. If you end up nobling a village for some reason inside your farming radius, might as well make that one your first defensive village.

First things first, you will need to choose your target that you want to occupy.

Karmalot, 2008. Tribal Wars Forum. [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 04 01 2017].

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Game concept

First things first: If you do not understand any point, please feel free to ask!

Before we start the guide, there are a few points, which are too crucial to skip them. It is important to understand and keep in mind these statements during you are reading the guide.

  • First of all, you need to understand the fact, there are several strategies to play the game, this guide is only one approach (a pretty good one :P) out of the hundreds
  • If you are just getting familiar with the game, or do not have that much free time, do not register at opening of the world. Wait a at least a week, and start your game at the edge of the map. The most professional players are always in the middle of the map.
  • You need to be active. The more you farm (attack and get resources from other villages), the faster you grow. Quite simple. You may want to use premium points (Farm Assistant) to make farmin simpler.
  • Sometimes the situation calls for something different. For example, resource balancing. You can not predict exactly what the resource ratios your hauls will come, so therefore it is impossible to say which exact resource upgrades you need to upgrade first. However, the values stated in this guide should give you a general idea for most cases
  • When the Beginner Protection(BP) ends in your area, you must be the first person to empty the warehouses of the inactive villages. For this reason, rushing LC's is not good because you will not have enough units to empty these warehouses in time. For this, you will need several groups of a few axes + spears for each village. Keep in mind: in one inactive, 26 points-village there are 3000 resources (1000 wood, 1000 clay, 1000 iron)
  • For the reason stated above:
  • -The purpose of spears = to afford to buy axes pre-BP (read more here)
  • -The purpose of axes = to escort your spears so they don't die while farming
  • -an ideal target is about 5-10 axes and 5-10 spears per farm, depending on how active the farming area is. If your army come back without full haul, you need to spend less units to more villages. IMPORTANT: use the simulator, you need to protect all the troops. Check the number of axes and spears without wall, with lvl 1 wall etc. Find the perfect combination!
  • Light Cavalries (LC) are the most time and cost efficient unit for farming and because of this:
  • -The money you make post-BP from the inactive villages will more than pay for your LC tech (more information about tech system: link)
  • -Once you have LC's, produce NOTHING but LC's. If you cannot afford to produce LC's 24/7 with stables level 3, then you are not advised to produce anything else
  • -The purpose Post-BP Spear + Axe Farming is to maximize your capacity to produce LC's as early as possible. Rushing LC's does not account this economic principle. Once you can afford to produce LC's non-stop, then you can produce axes. Farming with Spear + Axes prior to LC tech will enable you to produce LC's + Axes earlier than just rushing LC's without Axe+Spear Farming
  • Again, once you have the capacity to produce LC's, build NOTHING but LC's, except farm/warehouse as needed
  • Once you can afford to produce LC's non-stop, then produce axes along with your LC's and nothing else, except farm/warehouse as needed
  • IMPORTANT: most of the players start to construct buildings to promote their place on the rank list. Trust me, after 2-3 weeks, you will get in the top 50 with this method
  • Once you can afford to produce LC's + Axes non-stop, then you can upgrade structures and continue with the build order (see later). Troop production is the most important concept of this game
  • Active farming troops will out produce any resource structure upgrade. Of course, this system consumes a lot of energy and free time. I suggest to use the application of the game: it is simpler and easier to send your troops to other villages
  • And the most important things: there are several quests in the game (but not in all servers), which are created to help your progress. This guide is not built on the quests. I suggest the following: follow the guideline you find on this page. Sooner or later you will fulfil all requirements of the quests to get their rewards.

This list gives an impression, how your construction order will look like:


Build Paladin

Farm + Upgrade Resources

Headquarters 3

Barracks 1

Build Spears
Farm + Upgrade Resources
Headquarters 5
Smithy 2
Tech Axes
Build Axes
Farm with spears and axes (5-10 troops in groups) + Upgrade Resources + Construct Market 1-2
Barracks 5
Headquarters 10
Smithy 5
Stables 3
Tech Light Cavalry
Constantly Build Light Cavalry Only
Farm, Queue Troops
Tech Scouts
Get a a few scouts from a quest + build a few if there are active players around
Constantly Build Light Cavalry and Axes Only
Farm, Queue Troops
Market 1 - 5(It highly depends on your resource balancing needs)
Upgrade Resources Until HQ is working 24/7
Smithy 10
Workshop 1
Tech Rams
Constantly Build Light Cavalry + Axes (start to build rams, but not constantly)
Farm, Queue Troops
Workshop 2
Smithy 12
Tech Catapults
Constantly Build Light Cavalry + Axes (continue to build rams and cats)
Farm, Queue Troops
Stables 10
Barracks 10
Stables 15
Barracks 20
Market 10
Warehouse 23/24
Construct your farm 30
Smithy 20
Constantly Build Light Cavalry + Axes + Rams/Cats
Farm, Queue Troops
Stables 20
Barracks 25
Wall 20

Build Nobles

Choose a Noble Target

Conquer the Target

Of course, it looks weird, but everything will be detailed and explained later :)

Karmalot, 2008. Tribal Wars Forum. [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 04 01 2017].

Types of villages

This part of the guide is going to help you how to build your offensive, defensive and other, more special types of villages. All of them, regardless to their types, your villages need to have the same points, to confuse your enemies. Each village posted here will have 9714 points. The troop ratio's of the Axes and LC's are based on the available farm space from the other units and the ratio of their build times. As you will see, Kamalot calculated with worlds where archers are available. If you play on a server where they are not recruit-able, just add the Mounted Archers to the Light Cavalries, and add the Archers to Spear fighters and Swordsmen equally. Take note: all the calculations are based on the conjecture: your opponents trained their offensive and defensive units equally (e.g. not just Axemen, or Spear fighters)

First Village - Offensive (Church Worlds)

Points: 9714 | Available Farm Space: 20,770 | Limit: 1
6229 Axemen, 200 Scouts, 2200 Light Cavalry, 750 Mounted Archers, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults, 1 Paladin, 4 Nobles
6229 Axemen, 50 Scouts, 2275 Light Cavalry, 750 Mounted Archers, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults, 1 Paladin, 4 Nobles
5998 Axemen, 200 Scouts, 3195 Light Cavalry, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults, 1 Paladin, 4 Nobles
5998 Axemen, 50 Scouts, 3270 Light Cavalry, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults, 1 Paladin, 4 Nobles

Building levels:
Headquarters (Level 20)
Barracks (Level 25)
Stable (Level 20)
Workshop (Level 7)
First Church (Level 1)
Academy (Level 1)
Smithy (Level 20)
Rally point (Level 1)
Statue (Level 1)
Market (Level 19)
Timber camp (Level 30)
Clay pit (Level 30)
Iron mine (Level 30)
Farm (Level 30)
Warehouse (Level 30)
Wall (Level 20)

First Village - Offensive (Non-Church Worlds)

Points: 9714 | Available Farm Space: 20,730 | Limit: 1
6217 Axemen, 200 Scouts, 2193 Light Cavalry, 750 Mounted Archers, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults, 1 Paladin, 4 Nobles
6216 Axemen, 50 Scouts, 2193 Light Cavalry, 750 Mounted Archers, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults, 1 Paladin, 4 Nobles
5986 Axemen, 200 Scouts, 3189 Light Cavalry, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults, 1 Paladin, 4 Nobles
5986 Axemen, 50 Scouts, 3264 Light Cavalry, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults, 1 Paladin, 4 Nobles

Building levels:
Headquarters (Level 20)
Barracks (Level 25)
Stable (Level 20)
Workshop (Level 2)
Academy (Level 1)
Smithy (Level 20)
Rally point (Level 1)
Statue (Level 1)
Market (Level 20)
Timber camp (Level 30)
Clay pit (Level 30)
Iron mine (Level 30)
Farm (Level 30)
Warehouse (Level 30)
Wall (Level 20)

General Offensive Village

Points: 9714| Available Farm Space: 20,730 | Limit: ~2:3
6345 Axemen, 100 Scouts, 2314 Light Cavalry, 750 Mounted Archers, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults
6345 Axemen, 25 Scouts, 2351 Light Cavalry, 750 Mounted Archers, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults
6114 Axemen, 100 Scouts, 3309 Light Cavalry, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults
6114 Axemen, 25 Scouts, 3347 Light Cavalry, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults

Building levels:
Headquarters (Level 20)
Barracks (Level 25)
Stable (Level 20)
Workshop (Level 2)
Academy (Level 1)
Smithy (Level 20)
Rally point (Level 1)
Statue (Level 1)
Market (Level 20)
Timber camp (Level 30)
Clay pit (Level 30)
Iron mine (Level 30)
Farm (Level 30)
Warehouse (Level 30)
Wall (Level 20)

General Noble Train Village - Offensive

Points: 9714 | Available Farm Space: 20,730 | Limit: 1 or 2
6204 Axemen, 100 Scouts, 2236 Light Cavalry, 750 Mounted Archers, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults, 4 Nobles
6204 Axemen, 25 Scouts, 2274 Light Cavalry, 750 Mounted Archers, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults, 4 Nobles
5973 Axemen, 100 Scouts, 3232 Light Cavalry, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults, 4 Nobles
5973 Axemen, 25 Scouts, 3269 Light Cavalry, 220 Rams, 10 Catapults, 4 Nobles

Building levels:
Village Headquarters (Level 20)
Barracks (Level 25)
Stable (Level 20)
Workshop (Level 2)
Academy (Level 1)
Smithy (Level 20)
Rally point (Level 1)
Statue (Level 1)
Market (Level 20)
Timber camp (Level 30)
Clay pit (Level 30)
Iron mine (Level 30)
Farm (Level 30)
Warehouse (Level 30)
Wall (Level 20)

Defensive Village (Non-Church Worlds)

Points: 9714 | Available Farm Space: 20,730| Limit: ~1/3
Note: Through Kamalot's own simulations he determined that a 1:2:2 ratio is the best ratio in every situation except vs large cavalry villages, which are rare and expensive for an opponent to build, as such, you too should only build HC's when you are pressed for time when trying to raise your defence troop levels. Barracks units are far superior in terms of farm space and cost, constructing HC's just maximizes your defence per time. But if you are not getting attacked, you do not need to waste your population and resources on them.
5700 Spear fighters, 2850 Archers, 25 Scouts, 2000 Heavy Cavalry, 10 Rams, 10 Catapults
4110 Spear fighters, 8220 Swordsmen, 8220 Archers, 25 Scouts, 10 Rams, 10 Catapults
4110 Spear fighters, 8220 Swordsmen, 8220 Archers, 25 Scouts, 10 Rams, 10 Catapults

Building levels:
Headquarters (Level 20)
Barracks (Level 25)
Stable (Level 20)
Workshop (Level 2)
Academy (Level 1)
Smithy (Level 20)
Rally point (Level 1)
Statue (Level 1)
Market (Level 20)
Timber camp (Level 30)
Clay pit (Level 30)
Iron mine (Level 30)
Farm (Level 30)
Warehouse (Level 30)
Wall (Level 20)

Defensive Village (Church Worlds)

Points: 9714 | Available Farm Space: 8,762 | Limit: Dependent Upon Village Distribution
1716 Spear fighters, 3433 Swordsmen, 3433 Archers, 25 Scouts, 10 Rams, 10 Catapults

Building levels:
Headquarters (Level 20)
Barracks (Level 25)
Stable (Level 20)
Workshop (Level 5)
Church (Level 3)
Academy (Level 1)
Smithy (Level 20)
Rally point (Level 1)
Statue (Level 1)
Market (Level 19)
Timber camp (Level 30)
Clay pit (Level 30)
Iron mine (Level 30)
Farm (Level 30)
Warehouse (Level 30)
Hiding place (Level 8)
Wall (Level 20)

Scout Village

Points: 9714 | Available Farm Space: 20,730| Limit: ~1/20
Note: These villages will house pure scouts, both for scouting your opponents and defending your villages.
10315 Scouts, 20 Rams

Building levels:
Village Headquarters (Level 20)
Barracks (Level 25)
Stable (Level 20)
Workshop (Level 2)
Academy (Level 1)
Smithy (Level 20)
Rally point (Level 1)
Statue (Level 1)
Market (Level 20)
Timber camp (Level 30)
Clay pit (Level 30)
Iron mine (Level 30)
Farm (Level 30)
Warehouse (Level 30)
Wall (Level 20)

Catapult Village - Offensive

Points: 9714 | Available Farm Space: 20,730 | Limit: ~1/100
Note: Eventually these will become redundant as it becomes easier to build nobles. But before that happens, these villages will be very useful in keeping players you do not want to waste nobles on from rebuilding too quickly.
2384 Axemen, 25 Scouts, 1298 Light Cavalry 220 Rams, 1500 Catapults

Building levels:
Headquarters (Level 20)
Barracks (Level 25)
Stable (Level 18)
Workshop (Level 13)
Academy (Level 1)
Smithy (Level 20)
Rally point (Level 1)
Statue (Level 1)
Market (Level 20)
Timber camp (Level 30)
Clay pit (Level 30)
Iron mine (Level 30)
Farm (Level 30)
Warehouse (Level 30)
Hiding place (Level 5)
Wall (Level 20)

Karmalot, 2008. Tribal Wars Forum. [Online] 
Available at:
[Accessed 04 01 2017].